Fats Oil and Grease (referred as FOG) build up on kitchen equipment during the cooking process have been an ongoing problem. FOG hardens to a carbon crust and despite vigorous cleaning, scrubbing and harsh chemicals, it is extremely difficult to remove. Carbon build up is unsightly, unhygienic and a thermal insulator.
Our mission is to provide restaurants and bakeries with affordable commercial cleaning. Our innovative cleaning powder Enviro-Soak, will remove black carbon build-up and FOG by just soaking into the Powertank system and when used according to directions.
The Powertank is often overlooked for its importance and its necessity in kitchens.
The feedback from from our clients is positive. All have stated that the Powertank has reduce labour time on cleaning, reduced water usage, reduced chemical usage and the cleaning system has extend the life and use of their equipment.
The Powertank is a heated soak tank. This tank is made from food grade stainless steel and is movable. The power source required is a regular 120-volt outlet.
Blackened cookware is placed into the tank to soak for a period of time.
For best results soak times may vary for heavy carbon build-up.
It is important that all cookware cleaned in a Powertank, must be careful and fully rinsed prior to re-use for food processing.
Our product Enviro-Soak, is manufactured in Canada, and has been successfully and safely used in food service establishments for 25 years. We guarantee that our system, when used according to directions, is safe to use on food contact food surfaces such as stainless-steel, ceramics, cast irons and aluminum kitchenware. A fully disclosed safety data sheet is available upon request.
Simply soak your blackened cookware into the Powertank which has the chemical Enviro Soak already added and heated to 85°C or 190°F.
The combination of water temperature and chemical soften and loosen the F.O.G and black carbon buildup.
The soaking time will vary depending on the severity of carbon buildup.
Important note
Any cookware cleaned by this system must be carefully and fully rinsed prior to re-use for food processing.
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